5 Benefits Of Using Kratom

5 Benefits Of Using Kratom

Kratom is a plant based botanical product that is growing in popularity all across the United States. Despite its obscure nature, Kratom is actually a billion-dollar industry, with thousands of vendors across the US selling it to between 3 million and 5 million people anually. This substance comes from the leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, which is a tropical evergreen tree native to Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.  

The leaf is typically chewed, brewed or blended into a green powder. In the US, it’s usually sold in the form of pills or capsules, and taking is growing in popularity fast. Why? 

Why Are So Many People Taking Kratom?

The chemicals in the Kratom plant interact with different receptors in the human brain: some that respond to opioids and some that respond to stimulants. This makes it a perfect candidate for a substance that is likely to be used daily. Here are the top 5 benefits to taking Kratom:

It Acts as a Plant-Based Energy Boost

Find yourself feeling low but don’t want to down another cup of coffee or reach for an energy drink? Kratom can help. The metabolism is intrinsically linked to the body’s energy levels, and Kratom helps to boost blood circulation, which transports more oxygen to the vital body cells. This increases the speed at which those cells can metabolize food substances to produce energy, so you will have more sustained energy throughout the day. 

It’s an Effective Pain Killer

Kratom is useful for treating physical pain, especially neuropathic pains caused by chronic illnesses such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. The leaves bind to the nervous system’s pain receptors and ease the acute pain, making it much easier to go about your daily life. 

It Relieves Anxiety and Depression

When someone consumes Kratom leaves, an alkaloid called mitragynine binds to their brain’s opioid receptors, which are responsible for mood regulation. This affects their serotonin levels, which can deliver a similar effect to that of opioid drugs such as codeine and morphine. It can also bring about a sedative effect if consumed in larger quantities, which is why Kratom can reduce feelings of anxiety.

It Can Be Used to Treat Addiction

When it comes to those struggling with addiction, Kratom is ideal for daily use. While it offers the same physical sensation as opioids, it doesn’t result in long-term dependency or withdrawal symptoms, even after extended periods of use. Also, to tie in with the previous point regarding anxiety, Kratom can treat conditions associated with drug withdrawal, such as sleeplessness and irritability, anxiety, nausea and vomiting.  

It Can Help Manage Diabetes

The same alkaloids that can help to alleviate symptoms of anxiety may also be able to modulate the body’s levels of glucose and blood insulin. Kratom leaves prevent the peaks and troughs in the levels of insulin, which can help to delay the onset of diabetes, as well as to make it easier to manage existing conditions. 

Kratom leaves also interact with a number of receptors located in the hypothalamus. The most notable one is that associated with satiety; in other words, the feeling of being full after eating a meal. This can be extremely beneficial to those struggling with obesity.While we still have a lot to learn about Kratom as a drug, there are thousands of cases of ex-addicts who claim that Kratom has saved their lives. Multiple online forums discuss Kratom as a remedy for a wide array of issues. It has been conversationally assessed as a way of curing insomnia, alleviating rheumatoid arthritis and even erectile dysfunction. Again, there has only been a limited amount of research on the long-term effects of Kratom. However, with such a huge number of people claiming that it has slowed or even reversed such extreme problems like heroin addictions and multiple sclerosis, it’s certainly a product to try if you experience any of the problems we’ve discussed today!

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